Wisconsin recount begins because of Clinton supporters

Wisconsin recount begins because of Clinton supporters

Wisconsin recount begins because of Clinton supporters The Wisconsin recount begins because of Clinton supporters.  The Petition was filed on Friday afternoon and has been verified by Wisconsin. Clinton supporters raise more than 5 million dollars for vote recount. Jill Stein with the help of Clinton supporters raises more than 5 million dollars for a vote recount. […]


Willie Nelson Recent Health Concern Update

Willie Nelson Recent Health Concern Update Willie Nelson Recent Health Concern Update after recent concert cancellations cause concern.  Nelson had to cancel some concerts recently which quickly spread around the internet. The good news is that whatever was going on with Nelson must have resolved itself as he is back on tour. His opening act […]

SNL touches hearts of Hillary supporters

SNL touches hearts of Hillary supporters

SNL touches hearts of Hillary supporters Tonight’s SNL touches hearts of Hillary supporters. Saturday Night Live’s show kicked off very serious and very somber.  It was a tribute to both Hillary Clinton and Leonard Cohen.  Hearts broke all over America this week when Hillary Clinton won the popular vote for lost the electoral vote . […]