Young and Restless while it’s happening on April 26, 2023

Young and Restless while it’s happening on April 26, 2023
Young and Restless while it’s happening on April 26, 2023
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When Its Happening

We thought it would be fun to review the soap while it was actually airing live. With that you will get my knee jerk reactions to just about every scene unless that scene is really boring. If you like warm and cozy, you should probably stop reading now. Read on for Young and Restless while it’s happening on April 26, 2023.

Victor pitting Adam and Nick against Victoria

Victor is trying to get Nick to work with Adam at the new company. Wasn’t he supposed to be buying that company so ADAM can run it? Now he wants to put Adam and Nick together and have them compete with Victoria?

Why would any father do something like that? Seriously, if he wanted to help Adam believe that he loves him, he should have given Adam something that is all his own. Now, Adam has to share McCall Unlimited with Nick!!

Nick takes and takes from Adam

Young and Restless while it’s happening on April 26, 2023

Doesn’t Adam share enough with Nick already? Nick is raising Adams son Christian. Faith is walking around with Adam’s kidney in her. It has become totally apparent to this lifetime fan that Adam in nothing but the spare parts in the Heir and a Spare part of his family’s mind.
Don’t get me started on Victoria. Has she lost her ever loving mind? Why go after Nate? Seriously, why? I have never thought of Victoria as a very sexual person. Most of the time, Victoria seems quite frigid. Now, all of a sudden she can’t keep her hands off her EMPLOYEE. This is a SEXUAL HARASSMENT CASE waiting to happen.

Adam is aware of what his father is trying to do. Why won’t Victor just let Adam have this all to himself?
Victoria and her Daddy Issues

Victoria is disappointed that she lost McCall. In addition, she is absolutely worried that she will never win if she has to go up against her father. Her Daddy issues began as a child and will probably never end. The jealousy is oozing out of Victoria. It is pretty gross to watch. You gotta know that Victoria is going to try and get Nate to go away with her. Now Victoria is trying to convince Nate that this is just business. We all know that this is not going to be just about business. In fact, she just created the need for this trip like right now. Now, she has to quickly look up some companies for sale in the LA area that deal with media.

Sharon and Chance

It looks like Sharon is ready to take a CHANCE on love. See what I did there? They are quite cute together. You just have to know that as soon as they are able to become a THING, someone or something will pop to hurt them.


Young and Restless while it’s happening on April 26, 2023

Diane sits in jail while Summer is running around town being weird. Yes, we all mourn in different ways. But now that Starks body has washed up on shore, you can be sure Phyllis is not far behind. Jack is not giving up. I am writing this piece while watching the episode. I can only guess that Phyllis is going to run be in the park when Summer goes there.

So how long are we going to have to watch people mourning over Phyllis? Her character has become really hard to watch. Her arm flailing and all her “I’m such a victim, I’m a great mother and my kids don’t love me,” dialog. Diane wants to see Jeremy and is shocked to discover that he is on the run. How long will it take Michael to discover that Jeremy is dead? Oh good, Kyle just told Michael that Stark is dead.

Summer and Daniel and Phyllis

They are both in the park. Daniel sees that Summer is having a harder time than he is about Phyllis’s death. Diane has already figured it out because Diane knows what Phyllis is capable of doing. Will Michael believe that this is possible, Diane is right on the tip of figuring it all out? Diane, you are almost there. Go just a little bit further. You can do it. Please do it quick because if I have to watch one more scene with Summer pursing her lips, I might have to stop watching her scenes all together. So this should be it.


Young and Restless while it’s happening on April 26, 2023

Yes, it is Phyllis alive and well Summer. She never was dead stupid girl. She faked the whole thing. We all must be wondering if Phyllis has concocted some bull crap story to make Summer think she is a victim. Even worse, will she get her daughter to help her by concealing the fact that she is alive?
Let me know if you like this type of article and if you were thinking and feeling the same things I was at the same time I was feeling them. I would be fun to compare. That concludes Young and Restless while it’s happening on April 26, 2023.


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