Joey and Rory Update

A plain wooden box built by her friend for her final resting place

Joey and Rory update
Friends gather around Joey as Indy sits on her lap.
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Joey and Rory Update:

Joey and Rory Update
The bus delivers Joey’s friends and her plain wooden box

Joey & Rory: A plain wooden box built by her friend and farmhand is what she has requested.  It was delivered on Thursday to the house she grew up in.  It arrived on the same bus as her longtime friends and neighbors from Tennessee.

Joey and Rory had originally planned to spend the rest of her life in their farmhouse in Tennessee but Joey changed her mind and decided she would die in the house she grew up in.  Her family home in Indiana.

She obviously loves Indiana.  She did after all name her baby daughter Indiana.  As a written publication, sometimes we have to write the tough stuff.  Please believe when we say we don’t want to write this.  We wish that none of this was happening but it is.  This is real life and what happens when one of our loved ones has cancer.  Joey was given approximately 9 months to live. It looks like she is fading much quicker than that.  Her pain is intense and she is on morphine.

Her husband Rory writes about her and her last days with such love and dignity.  He is her hero as anything Joey requests he makes happen immediately.

She wanted to say goodbye to their friends and neighbors and he made that happen with the help of their trusty bus driver and long time friend Russell.

Rory credits Russell for so much more than bus driving in his latest blog post that everyone should read.

At this time Joey is very thin, very frail and has said her goodbyes to many folks.  She is ready and she is not afraid.  This is what she told a reporter at the Tennessean.

“I pray that one morning I just don’t wake up,” she says. “But I don’t fear anything because I’m so close to God and we’ve talked about it so many times. I know he’s close. And I know he loves me. I’m really at peace. I still believe there’s healing in prayer.”
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We here at The Daily Banner pray that Joey’s does not suffer and that the lord takes her just the way she has prayed.  This woman who is so full of love and faith must have a special place waiting for her beside Jesus.


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I want to say thank you to the people that are reading my articles.  I will keep writing as long as you keep reading.  We are not always going to agree but I do hope that you enjoy most of what I write and I write to share with you.

Please feel free to leave comments at the bottom of this page and I will respond to you here.

Writer Donna Nolan-Wilson has spent over 40 years writing.  Like her on Facebook

Disclaimer:  Everything I write in this publication is my feelings and opinions and not that of the soap, the sponsors or this publication.  



    1. Thank i do much for up dating us its like were going thru this journey with joey prayers for u. I know this must be tough for u but we r al praying for a miracle GOD is good

    2. Joey & Rory– God has blessed you with each other for the time you have with each other. Treasure the love you have for as long as you have it! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family! I’ve heard you sing and you are truly blessed to have each other!

    3. I will continue to pray for a miracle for Joey it is so sad hand breaks my heart you can see the love between her and Rory and there baby Joey you and your music will never be forgotten may God bless you and your family

    4. I pray all the time for God to let her live there love is like a dream and she is a good mom I wish she could live for her daughter’s and husband

    5. I have bought every cd you have made you and rory has made. really going to miss seeing you on tv but I know you are going to be singing your beautiful music in heaven. heaven will soon gain a beautiful have really inspired me with your faith.god bless you joey.dont know you but I love you and rory .

    6. I had the pleasure to meet Joey at their café and she was so sweet and pretty, she served me my cake and coffee, had that big smile when she told me to enjoy, she made that cake herself. She was so proud of their Mary Jo’s café, I like to remember her like this. My Prayers for her, her family and close friends soon the Angels will spread their wings and carry lovely Joey home to be with the Lord…I pray she will rest gently…

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