Kassie DePaiva battles Leukemia

Kassie DePaiva battles Leukemia

Kassie DePaiva battles Leukemia  Kassie DePaiva battles Leukemia. The soap star and country music singer takes to social media to announce to her fans her Leukemia diagnosis.  Many of her current and past soap family are rallying behind her with wishes and prayers. The actress and country music recording artist has 3 CD’s that are available […]

Days Spectacular spoiler
Daytime TV

Days Spectacular spoiler

DAYS SPECTACULAR SPOILER Days Spectacular Spoiler brings lots of surprises and suspense.  First of all, Nicole continues to juggle two men, Deimos and Dario’s. At least she is keeping with names that begin with D like Daniel. Couples There are some cute couples in Salem and most noteworthy of those couples is Adrianna and Eduardo. […]

Days Andres face and Eric disgrace

Days Andres face and Eric disgrace

Days Andres face and Eric disgrace On Days, Andre is walking around with his face slit wide open and actually claimed on Friday that he is doing it so that Hope and Rafe can see how much pain he is willing to endure to get even for his father’s death. So the viewers are supposed […]


Days of our Lives Ciara and Chase

Days of our Lives Ciara and Chase, what are they doing now? Ciara was one of the most loved little characters on Days of our Lives.  As the off spring of Bo & Hope, all the viewers had a soft spot for this little girl. That actress that played Ciara since 2007 until recently was […]

Peter Reckell tweets

Peter Reckell tweets give fans hope

Peter Reckell tweets give fans hope As Bo Brady was taking his last breath in Hope’s arms, the actor Peter Reckell was getting tweeted left and right about his exit.  People were upset, sad but most of all thanking him for coming back in the first place.  Some folks were so upset that Peter told […]

Soap fashion trends and white nail polish

Soap fashion trends and white nail polish

Soap fashion trends and white nail polish.  Why are the majority of the females on daytime wearing white nail polish? Soap Opera’s have historically been trend setters.  This last month, many of the female actresses on daytime have been sporting white nail polish.  Is this art imitating life or life imitating art? Many fashion trends […]

Days cancellation rumors
Daytime TV

Days cancellation rumors

Days cancellation rumors are spreading again with the 50th Anniversary celebration quickly approaching.  Days of our Lives will be celebrating its 50th year in the month of November, 2015. There will be many stars returning for this celebration and it is going to be a month of love and happiness, memories and sharing.    As far […]

Days Eric is a dimwit
Daytime TV

Days Eric is a lovesick pup

Days Eric is a lovesick pup for believing that making out is the same as making love.  The two were facing eminent death and they expressed their love for one another but Nicole, even when they thought they were dying told Eric that she loved Daniel and wanted to spend the rest of her life […]

Days of our Lives spoiler
Daytime TV

Days of our Lives spoiler

This is a Days of our lives spoiler so don’t read it if you don’t want to know what happens! Okay Days of our lives viewers that just can’t wait to know what is going to happen before it happens. The Daily Banner is bringing you a Days of our Lives spoiler.  Let’s start off […]